Hello(and goodbye... but I will explain that later). Happy new year to you all! I am honestly in denial that it is 2021, but here we are. I spent new years with the family out at the beach and to be honest I did not even stay up until midnight, grandma status, I know. I know I sound like a broken record but oh my god it was painful to see NYE parties plastered all over the internet but luckily I will not be dealing with that for much longer. This transitions me into my announcement which many of you may have a clue of but some don't. I am taking this spring semester off of school and doing a 75-day backpacking environmental leadership program. If you interested in *exactly* what I am doing I will certainly tell you in private, but I am not trying to broadcast all of the details publicly on the internet. So starting in mid-January to early April I will be completely off the grid with no technology or contact with the outside world, which may sound painful but that is actually one of the parts I am most excited for. Of course with that, this letter will have to go on multi-month hiatus unfortunately and I will definitely miss writing to you every single week. This should be my penultimate letter until my departure. Now with that out of the way, onto the letter!
Tweets of the Week
Okay I saw a Tik Tok about a potential Muppets Great Gatsby and I would be obsessed
Econ vibes
Highlight Reel of the Week
That is really all I have for this week, love you all!