Hello and welcome back to Consistent Distant Love! I am a day late this week because I was out of town. I am excited to be experimenting with a new letter format. I am exporting my previous letters to www.consistentdistantlove.com so we can have an archive available (feel free to scroll back after this letter, but they are not all up yet!). I am also planning to try to send out future letters through this site, so we will see how that goes! I hope everyone is doing alright and staying safe. The past few weeks have certainly felt very strange. Right now with all of the momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement on social media, it is a very important time to be engaging, educating, and learning. But at the same time, it is very difficult to be on social media and see so many people blatantly ignoring safe social distancing protocol and gathering in large groups regularly. I am very prone to fomo, so it can be pretty hard to see all that. I also am torn about what is the best way to use my social media personally. Overall, I am very inclined to take a break from social media, but in a time where so much is happening online, I feel like I can't. I am grateful for the internet during these times, but it is definitely a lot right now. Okay, now onto the letter!!
Tweets of the Week
Of all social media, I am on, Twitter is definitely my favorite right now

The shade is realllll (for the best)

Okay so pretty much I found out my friend's mom was in my favorite Christmas movie, and I absolutely died!!!

This tweet is actually a few years old, but Caroline and I became very interested in Dutch Bros straw code this week, more on that in the next letter.
VSCO Hangout One Year Late

For those of you who were lucky enough to be on Tik Tok in the Summer of 2019 (which I believe is the prime of Tik Tok) you certainly remember the VSCO hangout era. Somehow the Fogarty girls never hopped that trend but better late than never! In our childhood, we loved to camp out on our back deck in the Summer, so we used that as a basic start. After pitching a tent, we lined the bottom with an old comforter and some soft pillows. I strung up some fairy lights using safety pins and our aesthetics were looking great. After popping some popcorn and queuing up some 30 Rock we were ready to go! I slept over in the tent, but Caroline needed a good night's sleep for her 5:30 am work start time (she has been working on East coast time since she got home). This was a very fun activity and I recommend it!

Sassy Celeb of the Week: Raven Symoné

Raven won our hearts years ago as a child star, but she is still rocking it as an adult. The news of her recent wedding absolutely melted my heart in a time when I am very in need of good news. Can't wait to see what she does next!
The News From Hanken Drive (What's up with Grandpa)

Even before quarantine, Grandpa's life had been turned upside down. Up until age 90 he was commuting into the City on the ferry regularly to work as an environmental engineer and living independently. Late in the summer he has a terrible fall and was hospitalized for several months. Just as he was finally getting settled into being back home, madness struck. Since March he has not left his home at all besides his daily walk around the block. The only people he has been seeing are me, my parents, his caretaker, and my uncle. This weekend marked his first adventure away from Hanken drive for months. We went to Tahoe to his cabin that he has owned since my mom was a kid. He has been dying to come up since Christmas and he was p thrilled when we said he could come up with us this weekend. On his way up with my parents (Caroline drove up separately), he asked my mom to buy him not one but two pies from Ikeda's (if you know you know). When he arrived my mom set him up outside in a chair with a book and some wine under one of the big trees outside the cabin. Though it was sad we could not bring him down to the lake (we could not risk him interacting with other people), he was very content to be back up in the mountains. He was especially excited to see a coyote on Sunday morning because he loves wildlife more than anything!

Here he is with his Father's day waffle!

Here is a bonus pic of him when he came to the pool with Caroline and me! He is lucky to have the swim club right across from his house and we are able to reserve private swimming sessions to ensure social distancing. The hat he is wearing is from his fraternity (Phi Gamma Delta).
Our Summer Favs!

A big consensus is a love for watermelon (my favorite food!) Shannon, Olivia, Eric, Anna, and Annika all listed it as there favorite summer food!
Caroline loves lemonade (especially from Dutch Bros)
Layla loves mango!
Gabriella and Lo love peaches.
Caitlin loves pasta salad with basil, mozzarella, and tomatoes.
Ravi loves Green River Soup from Good Earth (SAME).
Alex loves banana smoothies.
Activities that you can still do in quar:

I like to Canoe on the lake!
Annika loves to hike!
Caroline, Layla, and Alec love to go to the beach!
Anna loves roller skating (she was into it before it was trendy on Tik Tok)
Lo likes to look at flowers.
Eric loves to tan!
Olivia has been reading a lot!
Shannon makes nice cream (we stan a vegan queen)!
Caitlin and Shannon both also love slip n slides.
Ravi loves to run (as usual!!)
Gabriella vibes.
That's all for this week! I miss you all so darn much. If you are in Marin reach out and maybe we can social distance hang :) Of course, my inbox is always open!