Hello everyone!! One week in Portland already over, oh my god time really does fly! Though relocating here did not solve all my problems, it really is lovely. Our house is a quick walk away from so many lovely things and it is so fun to run and ride my bike right from the house. Annie flew in on Friday so now all three Fogarty girls are together. I have been really stressed by my school situation recently so it is nice to at least have a change of scenery to enjoy. I miss you all dearly so just know I am only ever a call away. Now onto the letter!
Tweets of the Week

Yay to Jonathan!! But also Lil Nas makes a point.


This reflects a feeling I often feel
Pumpkin Paradise

One of the most divine October traditions is driving somewhere a little bit rural and visiting a pumpkin patch. It has been a few years since I have done this, so I was sure I wanted to go to a patch while we were in Oregon. Today we drove to Sauvie Island to visit the Bella Organic Pumpkin patch. This Island is in the divides Portland and is home to preserved land, agriculture, and historic areas. We didn't know quite what to expect, but this patch certainly exceeded any expectations we had. When we arrived, we promptly hopped on a hayride out to the main field of pumpkins.

It was a rainy day today so we certainly got muddy but it was well worth it. Once we arrived at the pumpkins, we frolicked, explored, and searched for the perfect pumpkins.

I picked a plump pumpkin with a curved stem! I can't wait to turn it into a Jack-o-lantern and roast its seeds.

On our ride back to the barn, a man on the truck told us we MUST take a ride on the cow train, and of course we couldn't deny this opportunity. For three dollars each we got to climb into repurposed cow painted barrels and get hauled around the farm by a tractor.

Crypto Zoo

I had an essay due Friday at noon, so after I completed it I treated myself to a neighborhood bike ride. After riding a few minutes, not a few blocks away from our house, I found myself at a truly magical sight: a house with its yard completely filled with mystical creatures! I recognized this work, it was by Mike Bennett, a Portland-based artist with a sizable social media following. I had seen some of his work through the city, but I did not realize his house and large installation was right around the corner. Bennett specializes in large cutouts made of recycled wood that resemble cartoon creatures. This particular installation is part of his A to Z zoo series that features funky animals of every letter of the alphabet. For Halloween season, Bennett has made his zoo "Cryptid" themed. He defines crytid as "any creature that may or may not exist," think Big Foot or the Loch Ness monster. The animals were colorful, delightful, and yes a little spooky. It was so pleasant to stumble up this because he intentionally does not make the address of it public.

Here are the info signs.

I love the little bugs!

All of the animals listed!

Here Mike is at work!
Haircut Time!

Got my haircut for the first time since February, so happy for the chop!

Very hipster salon!
Fall Favorites!

Last week I asked you guys your fall favorites and here some are:
Hannah's favorite holiday is she likes watching nightmare on elm street (young johnny depp>>>), the Hitchcock Halloween episode of that 70s show, or maybe like the shining or psycho are always staples👀 Her family is huge on decorating for only Halloween so they go all out with skeletons and cobwebs in their front yard✨ She also made a Halloween playlist in like august to start getting in the spirit because Halloween continues to be her fave. also chunky sweaters and pumpkin bread. that’s fall.
Devin likes Halloween Joe-joes and Hocus Pocus!
Annika likes Going to a farm or farmers market and getting cool pumpkins!

blackboard.edu by Arlie-Randomista good vibes
San Francisco by The Mowgli's- Omg so I hear this song all the time and I literally finally know the name lol.
Somebody to Love by Queen-I have loved this song since a girl sang it in one of my singing recitals in 2011 and it recently has come back into my frequent music circulation.
I Get So Scared by Miley Cyrus- Love this song sooooo much much different than the rocker Miley we have seen recently, but so darn good.
That's all for this week!! I love you all so darn much and of course, always want to keep in touch.
-- Claire